Fall in St. Albans

Fall in St. Albans

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of School!

First day of school at LWA for everyone was this past Tuesday! Even Nathan is going two days a week this year. They were all so excited, and it was so sweet to see the older ones usher Nathan in the door for his first day of 2 year old preschool. I got home, walked into my quite house(very strange) and just sat there for about 5 minutes. Then, I turned on some music and started on some housework. I thought the best way to get past this kind of sad feeling of knowing that my kids are all growing up so fast was to keep busy. As I started to do the mounds of laundry and cleaning, I praised God for each child's life and for what He has planned for each one of them as they continue to grow up.... before I knew it, the three hours had flown by and it was time to pick up my little man from preschool. A few hours away to think and pray, and I felt recharged and a better mom for it. And I couldn't wait to give my little guy a really big bear hug...(the best!!!!!)
Hannah was really tired after her first full day of kindergarten, but had a very sweet smile on her face when she got in the car. Andrew thought his new teacher was "great" and the other kids all had glowing reports about their new classrooms and teachers too. Sounds like all in all it was a super first day.

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