Fall in St. Albans

Fall in St. Albans

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The more I seek you.........

This has been one of those times when I feel the Lord is growing me with patience, trust and perseverance. I have been doing a study with a group of about 10 girls in our women's Rejoice bible study, and it is called the Frazzled Female!! How fitting! So many days I feel very frazzled. Trying to balance my time seems to be the reoccurring struggle. How do we do that and still find time for our husbands, children, housework, errands, friends, and self??? And every mom knows that self almost always comes last. Well, God continues to show me that as long as I give HIm the first fruits of my day- and that means to get up at the crack of dawn -- even if it is just 10-15 minutes before the rest of the house begins to wake up, it will make a world of difference in how my attitude for the day will unravel. I have also learned that if I don't get that time in the morning, then I still try to focus on Him through out the day in my thoughts or with the music I listen to, or in my countenance with my family and friends. I have learned that the day will not be a total loss and I don't need to be ridden with guilt if I was not able to be alone in His Word in the morning. If I can find a quiet moment when it's nap time or while I am waiting in carpool line I can still have some time with the Lord in my thoughts and prayers. He has shown me that I don't have to be frazzled if I am focused on Him and how His Spirit is leading me. That has been so comforting. I just wanted to share that with who ever may be reading this. He is my everything, and without Him, I am nothing!!!

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