Fall in St. Albans

Fall in St. Albans

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow, Snow, and more Snow!!!!!

Another Snow Day!! My kids have been having a blast this past week, with being off school now for a total of 7 days since January!!
I'm wondering if they are going to make up some of these missed days at the end of the year?
They are glad that they are off from school, but are disappointed that the weather people misdiagnosed the intensity and accumulations of the storm. I think they were really looking forward to a foot and a half of snow, not 3 inches of sleet and 2 inches of snow. What fun is sleet? You can't make a snow man with it, it's not as good for sledding, and it's too hard to try to shovel now to make a little extra coin from the neighbors, because now it is a solid sheet of ice, and it is going down to -3 degrees tonight. (At least that is what the weather people are saying, but we all know how good they are at predicting the weather in St. Louis).
Any way, it is very cold, cold, cold, but that has not stopped them from having fun!! I think this is the coldest snowiest winter we have seen yet since we moved here from Boston almost ten years ago. This actually feels like a Boston winter!! We have made cookies, had hot chocolate, cleaned out our storage room, done numerous loads of laundry, watched movies,had many Wii tournaments, and even made a short movie preview. I am still learning on my new computer how to do things, so when I figure it out, I will post it.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics!!! Sure missing those snow days here! Sounds like you all have had soo much fun with them! Enjoy your weekend:)Love and miss you all!!!


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Caroline getting baptized

Caroline getting baptized

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