Fall in St. Albans

Fall in St. Albans

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Field Trip Day for Hannah

What a great day we had yesterday. The weather was perfect, as it has been for the last two weeks for our trip to Theis Farms Pumpkin Land. This is a great place for little ones to run around and play on all of the stuff they have made out of hay bales- castles, forts, mazes and more!!! They even have a little zipline. Hannah was very brave and adventurous and tried the zipline.

We also went on a hayride and walked through a Farmer's Market and bought some carmel corn and peanut brittle. Her class had a great time, and Hannah and Nathan crashed in the car on the way home. That is the telltale sign that it was a good time!!! I even managed to get a few pics of both of them smiling!

We are going to attempt a family picture sometime today. It is so hard to get everyone together with all of our sporting events and schoool activites on the weekends. We are going to a wedding today,so hopefully we can sneak in a pic with everyone dressed up.

Every day is a gift from the Lord. We should all remember this, because life is so short and can change in a heartbeat. Yesterday Mark went to a funeral of one of his client's 8 year old grandson. It was heartbreaking. It just makes you think about how quickly life can end. We all act as if we will live to be 85 years old, die in our nice warm beds and that we will not have to bury our children. Reality tells us something different. It just makes me think about how precious my husband and children are, and that every day with them is truly a gift from God. Not to dwell too long on this, but without the peace of the Lord that surpasses all understanding,it would be very easy to live your life in fear and not ever want to go anywhere or do anything. But, God does not want us to live that way. He wants us to live our life to the fullest for Him. Fear is not of God, it is of the enemy.
Is it well with my soul, even when it is not well with my circumstances? I pray that I never have to walk through that valley of losing a child, but I know that not only would Jesus be waiting for me on the other side of that valley, but that He would be carrying me through it as well. Is it well with your soul? I pray that whoever is reading this can know His peace and comfort no matter what your circumstances may be. O Praise Him!!!

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